Sunday, September 26, 2010

Amazing Weekend!

I had such an awesome weekend! I went up to Orem with Jostlyn, Kylee, and Kiersten. We met up with some more friends there and it was a jam packed weekend full of super fun things! We didn't get up there until about 3 in the morning on Saturday morning. Then we crashed at Macie's and Mi'kel's appartment. We started our morning off by doing a photo shoot at a park. Scott Jarvie took our pictures. He's become a friend of ours through Jostlyn. After that we went to lunch at Zupas! It was so yummy. I had chicken tortilla chili. After that we went to the creamery and got some yummy ice cream. After that we went shopping! It was a quick shopping trip because then we headed to UVU for the Neon Trees and 30 Seconds to Mars concert. It was amazing! But I don't know that my eardrums will ever go back to normal :) After the concert we headed to Sonic for some grub. Then we headed back to Macie and Mi'kel's because we were sooo dead! After that we headed to bed and this morning we hit the road and headed back home. It was a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Kylee!!!

Today is my best friend, Kylee's 20th Birthday....

We've been friends since 6th grade...our immature years

I've loved her even when she was a crazy pirate/princess/Hawaiian?....

I love her crazy, carefree spirit...

I've thrown her a surprise birthday party...

We've gone to Lagoon....

We've shared dramatic Middle School experiences together :)

And we've shared many High School memories together...

And so far we've had some great college memories...

Most importantly she is an incredible person and is not afraid to be who she is. I love that about her. So, happy birthday Kylee! Thank you for being here for me at the time I need you the most.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Thank You, Carson

When my good friend, Carson left on his mission he gave me his Sims 3 game....and now I am a pathetic loser who plays Sims every chance I get. So thanks to you Carson for making me a complete nerd. Much love.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day Weekend!

My Labor Day weekend was unfortuanately full of homework. I had 3 big tests to study for plus other assignments! But I did find some time for fun! On Friday Night I went to Applebees with Jostlyn and we shared a Blondie. If you haven't tried need to. It is incredible. Then we went to her Grandparent's house (where she's living) and watched videos of Carson and laughed our heads off at how weird missionaries are.... :) Then we went over to her Mom's and played with the babies! While we held them and played with them we watched What Happens in movie EVER! Seth and I used to watch it ALL the time before he left so it is one that I really enjoy watching. We got an unexpected visit from Kiersten and Ashlee while we were there!

On Monday the 4 of us went to Samauri 21....SOOO GOOD! It was a splurge but it was definetly worth it. And that sums up my Labor Day weekend! Nothing extremely out of the ordinary but still a great weekend!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


I am stealing a post idea. Yep. I am a theif. I don't think she'll mind though. One of my best friends, Jostlyn came up with this idea to find 5 things every day that make her smile and she'll blog about it. Now, my post today is going to be a little different. It's going to be 10 things this week that have made me smile.

Smile #1 When I woke up to a personal e-mail from my missionary.

Smile #2 When I called my Dad and could hear my two year old sister in the background saying "Look, Dad! Another one!" Where were they you might ask? At the car wash. It was one of those were you can sit inside and watch cars being washed. She had her face squished against the window and was very fascinated by it all.

Smile #3 When I got an unexpected phone call from Nick, Seth's brother.

Smile #4 When I looked in the mail box and my heart sunk because all I saw were advertisments and junk mail but then I picked those things up and underneath it all was a letter addressed to me fom a very special person in Sierra Leone.

Smile #5 When I got to go out to dinner with Bob, Staci, and Joanne. They always can make me laugh and feel loved.

Smile #6 When my 7 year old brother, Tanner was sitting in the kitchen and Zack hits play on the answering machine because there was a message from Dave. Dave was saying in his message, "Hello? Tanner and Zack are you still home? Pick up the phone." And I hear Tanner saying, "Dad! Dad! I'm right here! Dad!!!!" Technology is a little too advanced for him...he doesn't quite understand :)

Smile #7 When I found Seth's mission presidents blog and found recent pictures of Seth on it!

Smile #8 When Kylee and I were joking about reenacting the music video Helena by My Chemical Romance at her funeral because school is going to kill her.

Smile #9 When I got to hold Jostlyn's precious little baby sisters. I love them so much!

Smile #10 When I was looking through all of my summer pictures and remembering all of the great times I had this past summer!

So...remember to smile! Focus on the good things about your day and you'll be surprised at how quickly a horrible situation can end up being not so bad.

Friday, September 3, 2010

This video I watched made me laugh and cry. It was a wedding that an incredible St. George Event Planning business, Forevermore Events, was a part of. If you have 13 minutes and 9 seconds to spare then watch it. It was inspiring to me because this is what I want to do as a career. Make people happy on their big day.